Okay, I had no intentions of writing a post about this but I just HAD to after a recent status update on a friend's profile and the response under it.
First, I'll ask a question. How many people think that Facebook is getting out of hand??
I agree, it is.
Second. How many people believe that the status updates about what you're doing every second of the day, what you ate for dinner, who you're out with, who you're angry with today, when you made up, when you're angry again, how the party is RIGHT now that you're in, how funny last night was with your girls: is TOO DAMN MUCH!!
I agree as well. Its way too much. I'm not interested in all of this. If we were good enough friends outside of facebook, I would know because we would chat on the phone or on MSN. People would do this with MSN personal messages and now that Facebook allows you to post longer messages people take it overboard.
So, not to stray from my original intention for this post, I'll get started. This may be a touchy subject but it's something I just need an opinion on.
I am Catholic by birth, belief and try to be practice. I was raised in the church, taught the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ (yes I do know scripture passages and no I cannot quote ANY) and my parents have shown me how it is to live your life in a giving, loving and natural way. I firmly believe that no matter what religion you practice, once you live your life with no malice in your heart and love for your fellow man, you're on your way to something good!
Something that has been going on that has been bothering me and honestly freaking not only myself out but a lot of people who have these mutual friends online. Putting a status as: :Today is God's day or I love Jesus or He is the light, the truth and the life or ANYTHING like that, really uplifts me. It makes me feel that this person is truly happy with GOD, they're going through their day with a smile in their heart because THEY LOVE JESUS and JESUS LOVES THEM. Makes me happy and wish I felt the way they do.
Now onto the far left wing, there are the status updates that just take it overboard. You know them. The ones about: If you involve yourself in things of the world there will be no eternal salvation for you! Where are you this weekend? In a club? I know I will be in church worshipping and praying!!" Come on now.....really?! Is all of that necessary?? I have SO much more status updates but I am not out to single out one person because the majority of "out there" status updates came from one person.
Anyway, I have a real problem with these judgemental status updates on a public forum like facebook. Yes, Jesus said you have to help and save your fellow man, but telling them that they're going to hell if they do not follow your religion is not right!I commented on a status that was saying that Mafia Wars is influenced by the devil after receiving two long comment replies:
wow.....i am always so overwhelmed with these scripture quoting and lecturing that goes on on facebook. I just don't think its the forum for it. I am not saying I do not believe that the Lord Jesus is our saviour, I am Catholic by religion and practice, but I just think there's a time and place for everything. The long messages and statuses is just too much man. Not facebook. It comes off as pretentious and as if you're judging people. Instead of bringing people closer to the church and wanting to learn, you're bringing your own people closer with the "I agree's" and pushing the people who NEED the help further. Tone it down and maybe the evangelism will work..
Okay well thats all I have to say for now but I would love some opinions: left and right wing on this.
DISCLAIMER: By no means do I think that Christianity is the way to heaven. As I said previously, I believe that what is in your heart and the way you live your life is enough to take you somewhere great.
Cheers, Solange